with a lot of

from special

to special

The only thing that changed over
the past 50 years of trading and
relationships in coffee is
that now

we are also

Specialty Coffee

A new brand, with its eyes focused on the future of the coffee chain, recognizing and valuing the work of producers, building solid relationships with its customers, now incorporating specialty coffees into its portfolio, maintaining commitment from the beginning as its principle business fundamental: providing high quality coffees produced by producers with different stories, who are also passionate and dedicated to specialty and differentiated coffees, coming from the best “terroirs” in Brazil, always through transparent and sustainable relationships where everyone benefits, from the origin to the end customer.

Passion and dedication for coffee that spans generations. An internationally recognized company that is renewing itself once again, now incorporating Special Coffees into its portfolio – produced by producers who are also dedicated and passionate about high quality coffees, full of stories, following sustainable practices in their daily lives, coming from the most diverse producing regions of Brazil, especially in the South of Minas, Mogiana Paulista and Cerrado Mineiro.

following market changes, from origin to final consumer,

with eyes facing the social, environmental and
economic sustainability

FMR Specialty Coffee works with partner producers in all coffee regions, which makes it possible to offer a wide range of coffees, with varied characteristics and the peculiarities of each producer and origin. The company is located in Espírito Santo do Pinhal, state of São Paulo, and in addition to an office in Varginha, Minas Gerais, it also has partner brokers throughout Brazil.

Paraizinho Estate

São José da Pedra Grande Estate

peoples & stories

Coming soon, stories of life in coffee that impress and stimulate!

We supply special coffees
traceable, prepared
with the highest technology
processing, to maintain the
who came from farming,
to reach the cup
of the final consumer with the
history and whim of each
producer, providing
a unique experience.

FMR Specialty Coffee is a company connected to the future and has experienced and recognized professionals. Its structure includes coffee analysis, classification and tasting laboratories and a modern warehouse for the preparation and export of the best coffees from Brazil to the world, with traceability and punctuality.

We have a partnership with Mantiqueira Armazéns Gerais de Café, which has a modern structure for storing and processing coffee, with flexibility for shipments in big bags, sacks or in bulk (containers). FMR Specialty Coffee also has established partnerships with several accredited warehouses in all coffee regions of the country.


First of all,
care for people,
with the environment
and with the future!

FMR Specialty Coffee values ​​sustainable coffee farming, promoting the best social and environmental practices, aiming at the continuous improvement of its
operations and the entire production chain.

you are special


come and have a coffee.

Fernando Menezes Ribeiro
skype: fernando.menezes.ribeiro
(19) 99789-8333

Felipe Menezes Ribeiro
skype: felipe.ribeiro.009
(19) 96603-2035

Nelson de Siqueira Filho

Carlos Eduardo Del Bianchi
cafés especiais

Priscila Mendes
Polato Ruocco

financeiro e logística
skype: pripolato89

Jhonatan Vigilato
apoio ao produtor
(19) 3661-9913